Business Intelligence Health Check
When you rely on data to make critical decisions you want to make sure that the data is reliable. Only from a healthy environment, you will receive reliable data.
Is your organisation experiencing these Business Intelligence issues?
- Out-dated Data
- Security Issues
- Inaccurate Information
- Exhausted Resources
- Old and slow Reports
Then you could benefit from a Business Intelligence Health Check provided by BiTech Group and our professional consultants.
The BiTech Group Health Check has been developed to review your Business Intelligence environment for any room for improvement, discrepancies or gaps or as part of a migration assessment.
The Business Intelligence Healtch Check will provide you with:
- An objective assesment of your Business Intelligence envirnment
- Best practices for maximising performance gains while reducing the total cost of ownership
- Preparation for a migration to a newer release.
After advising you of the outcomes we can assist and support with the next steps to the most optimal Business Intelligence environment. This could involve your data mart design, licensing model, data warehouse, architecture, security, etc.